Restaurant Helinä

Restaurant Helinä is located on the campus of Technopolis Innopoli 3 in Espoo.

The lunch restaurant serves lunch and a variety of café products. Freshly baked, high-quality and varied café products are served daily from morning to afternoon.

You can also buy lunch and other products from us.

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Lunch Mon – Fri 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

Vaisalantie 4
02130 Espoo

Phone 020 770 2448 

Customer service

Cafe products

In addition to lunch, café products are available:

  • bread products
  • snacks
  • pastry
  • coffee and refreshments

In addition to lunch and café services, we prepare delicious offerings for meetings and various occasions.

Lunch on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 13.30 p.m.

Lunch buffet 13,50€
incl. lunch buffet, salad bar, water, breads and spreads, coffee or tea.

Soup 10,10 €

incl. Soup, salad bar, water, breads and spreads, coffee or tea.

Lunch list

Week 16

Monday 15.04.
Naudan pannupihvit viherpippurikastikkeessa G, L
Juustoinen kinkku-herkkusienipasta L
Kaurasiemenpyöryköitä ja basilika-sitruskermaviiliä M, VEG
Kukkakaalikeitto G, L
Keitettyä perunaa G, M, VEG
Paahdettuja rakuunaporkkanoita G, M, VEG
Päivän shotti G, M, VEG

Minced beef meat patties with pepper sauce G, L
Ham & mushroom pasta with cheese L
Vegetable oat balls & basil-lemon sour cream M, VEG
Cauliflower soup G, L
Boiled potatoes G, M, VEG
Roasted tarragon carrots G, M, VEG
The shot of the day

Tuesday 16.04.
Kukkoa viinissä Coq au vin G, M
Helinän uunimakkaraa juustokuorrutuksella G, L
Metsäsienimunakas G, L
Maa-artisokkakeitto G, L
Perunamuusia G, L
Yrttipaahdettuja kauden kasviksia
Päivän shotti G, M, VEG

Roasted chicken Coq Au Vin G, M
Helinä´s oven baked sausages gratinated with cheese G, L
Forrest mushroom omelette G, L
Artichoke soup G, L
Mashed potatoes G, L
Roasted herb vegetables G, M, VEG
The shot of the day G, M, VEG
Wednesday 17.04.
Keittiömestarin naudanliha chili con beef G, M
Lohimurekepihvit tillijuustokuorrutteella G, L
Paahdettua kurpitsaa ja tofua harissakastikkeessa G, M
Kanttarellikeittoa G, L
Riisiä G, M, VEG
Keitettyä perunaa G, M, VEG
Lämmin kukkakaali mix G, M, VEG
Päivän shotti G, M, VEG

Chef´s chilli con beef G, M
Salmon fish meat loaf steaks gratinated with dill & cheese G, L
Roasted pumpkin & tofu with harissa sauce G, M, VEG
Chanterelle soup G, L
Boiled potatoes G, M, VEG & rice G, M, VEG
Oven baked broccoli mix G, M, VEG
The shot of the day G, M, VEG

Thursday 18.04.
Mureaa possua Sweet & Sour kastikkeessa G, L
Chow mein kanaa G, L
Paahdettu kukkakaalicouscous tofulla G, M, VEG
Mozzarella-tomaattikeitto G, L
Sahramiriisiä G, M, VEG
Mehevät timjamipunajuuret G, M, VEG
Päivän shotti G, M, VEG

Tender pork & Sweet´n Sour sauce G, L
Roasted chicken Chow Mein G, L
Roasted cauliflower couscous with tofu G, M, VEG
Tomato-mozzarella soup G, M, VEG
Saffron seasoned rice G, M, VEG
Oven baked cauliflower mix G, M, VEG
The shot of the day G, M, VEG
Friday 19.04.
Kievin kanaa ja aiolidressing VL
Mexicon härkäpapupihviä ja talon salsaa G, M, VEG
Peruna-valkosipulikeittoa G, L
Juustoista kermaperunaa G, L
Paahdettuja kasviksia ja lehtikaalia G, M, VEG
Jälkiruoaksi mustikkapiirakkaa ja vaniljakastiketta L

Chicken Kiev & aioli dip VL
Mexican vegetable patties & salsa sauce G, M, VEG
Potato-garlic soup G, L
Creamy cheese potatoes G, L
Roasted vegetables & kale G, M, VEG
For dessert blueberry pie & vanilla sauce L

Download lunch menu for week 16 here ›

Restaurant Helina’s conference catering and catering

We have a long history as an organizer of parties and meetings.
You can find our conference catering in Meeting and from there you can place an order at a suitable time.

In addition to conference catering, catering is our strong expertise. You will find ready-made menus for the evening, which always include Linkosuo’s rye and oat chips. In addition to ready-made menus, we will be happy to help you plan a menu that suits your occasion.