Snygg – restaurant & café

We offer breakfast, a tasty lunch, delicious meeting snacks and our own bakery with quality take away products.

A daily lunch is available, always with a vegetarian (and also vegan) choise.

On our café side, we serve breakfast on weekday mornings from 7.30-9.30am. We also offer a selection of speciality coffees, house breads and rolls, and on the sweet side, a bun and cake of the day.

Breakfast at 8-9.30 a.m.

Make yourself an energising breakfast at our Yoghurt bar with granola, seeds, nuts, honey, berries and fruit salad.

Opening hours:

Mon-fri open 8 a.m.- 3 p.m.

Työpajankatu 3
00580 Helsinki

Celebrations and events

You can book Snygg for celebrations and events. Ask for an offer, and we’ll work together to find the best solution!

Phone 020 770 2457
Restaurant manager: Hanna-Mari Valkonen

Lunch on weekdays from 11 to 13.30

main course of your choice on a plate, salad, water, bread, coffee

SOUP LUNCH 11,40 €
soup of the day, salad, water, bread, coffee

Make your own salad base from the salad table and choose your extra protein from the kitchen, soup of the day, water, bread, coffee/tea.

Lunch list

Week 14

Monday 31.03.
Wieninleike sitruunan ja anjoviksen kera L, kaprismajoneesia & perunamuusia L,G

Valkosipulipaahdettua vihreää papua ja porkkanaa V,G

Maalaismunakas L,G

Samettinen fenkolikeitto L,G

Wiener snitchel with lemon & anjovis, caper mayo & mashed potatoes

Garlic roasted green beans & carrot

Rustic vegetable omelet

Smooth fennel soup
Tuesday 01.04.
Snyggin jauhelihamureketta pekonilla ja kapriksella,
kermaista pippurikastiketta & valkosipuliperunoita L,G

Fenkoli paahdettua parsakaalta, punasipulia ja kesäkurpitsaa V,G

Pinaatti-ricotta canneloneja & pico de callo-salsaa VL

Maissi-kookoschowder V,G & nachoja

Meat loaf with capers and bacon, creamy pepper sauce and carlic potato casserole

Fennel spiced broccoli, red onion and zukkini

Spinach-ricotta filled cannolines & pico de callo salsa

Sweet corn-coconut chowder soup

Wednesday 02.04.
Limesmetana haudutettua puna-ahventa L,G riisiä

Kasviskorma kikherneillä V,G & basmatiriisiä, korianteria, chiliä ja suolapähkinöitä

Kurkuma höyrytettyä porkkanaa ja kukkakaalta V,G

Juustoinen jauhelihakeitto L,G

Lime sour cream poached fish & rice

Vegan chickpea korma, basmatirice, cilantro, chili and salted pea nuts

Turmeric steamed carrot & cauliflower

Creamy minced meat soup “ burger soup”
Thursday 03.04.
Riistapyöryköitä tummassa rosmariinikastikkeessa, perunamuusia L,G

Säräjuureksia M,G

Perunagnoccheja herkkusienillä ja karhunlaukalla V parmesaania

Perinteistä hernekeittoa lisukkeineen M,G ( V,G )

Pannukakkua, hilloa ja kermavaahtoa L 2,5 e

Game meat balls with dark rosmary sauce, mashed potatoes

Oven roasted honey root vegetables

Gnocchi with mushroom & bear gallop V parmesan

Finnish pea soup with onion & mustard

Pancake, jam & whipped cream 2,5 e
Friday 04.04.
Vihreää kana curryä & basmatiriisiä M,G

Paahdettua sipulia, vihreää chiliä, korianteria, lime-inkivääri coleslaw’ta V,G

Seitan bao bun & basmatiriisiä V

Tom kha kaohu-keitto V,G


Green curry chicken & basmati rice

Roasted onion, green chili, lime-ginger coleslaw

Seitan bao bun & basmati rice

Tofu tom kha kaohu soup V,G

Moctail & cake for every one

Download lunch menu for week 14 here ›

Week 14

Monday 31.03
Wieninleike sitruunan ja anjoviksen kera L, kaprismajoneesia & perunamuusia L,G

Valkosipulipaahdettua vihreää papua ja porkkanaa V,G

Maalaismunakas L,G

Samettinen fenkolikeitto L,G

Wiener snitchel with lemon & anjovis, caper mayo & mashed potatoes

Garlic roasted green beans & carrot

Rustic vegetable omelet

Smooth fennel soup
Tuesday 01.04
Snyggin jauhelihamureketta pekonilla ja kapriksella,
kermaista pippurikastiketta & valkosipuliperunoita L,G

Fenkoli paahdettua parsakaalta, punasipulia ja kesäkurpitsaa V,G

Pinaatti-ricotta canneloneja & pico de callo-salsaa VL

Maissi-kookoschowder V,G & nachoja

Meat loaf with capers and bacon, creamy pepper sauce and carlic potato casserole

Fennel spiced broccoli, red onion and zukkini

Spinach-ricotta filled cannolines & pico de callo salsa

Sweet corn-coconut chowder soup

Wednesday 02.04
Limesmetana haudutettua puna-ahventa L,G riisiä

Kasviskorma kikherneillä V,G & basmatiriisiä, korianteria, chiliä ja suolapähkinöitä

Kurkuma höyrytettyä porkkanaa ja kukkakaalta V,G

Juustoinen jauhelihakeitto L,G

Lime sour cream poached fish & rice

Vegan chickpea korma, basmatirice, cilantro, chili and salted pea nuts

Turmeric steamed carrot & cauliflower

Creamy minced meat soup “ burger soup”
Thursday 03.04
Riistapyöryköitä tummassa rosmariinikastikkeessa, perunamuusia L,G

Säräjuureksia M,G

Perunagnoccheja herkkusienillä ja karhunlaukalla V parmesaania

Perinteistä hernekeittoa lisukkeineen M,G ( V,G )

Pannukakkua, hilloa ja kermavaahtoa L 2,5 e

Game meat balls with dark rosmary sauce, mashed potatoes

Oven roasted honey root vegetables

Gnocchi with mushroom & bear gallop V parmesan

Finnish pea soup with onion & mustard

Pancake, jam & whipped cream 2,5 e
Friday 04.04
Vihreää kana curryä & basmatiriisiä M,G

Paahdettua sipulia, vihreää chiliä, korianteria, lime-inkivääri coleslaw’ta V,G

Seitan bao bun & basmatiriisiä V

Tom kha kaohu-keitto V,G


Green curry chicken & basmati rice

Roasted onion, green chili, lime-ginger coleslaw

Seitan bao bun & basmati rice

Tofu tom kha kaohu soup V,G

Moctail & cake for every one

Download lunch menu for week 14 here ›